What’s the scoop on Mod’s Coffee & Crepes?
When Mod’s opened up near 5th and Boston back in 2010, a lot of us were scratching our heads.
I remember thinking: “I’ve heard of crepes, but I can’t remember what crepes are… Does IHOP sell those?”
Since I worked downtown back then, a new restaurant was always a pretty exciting thing to my coworkers and I. On top of that, one of my coworkers was actually pretty good friends with the owners — Rusty and Colleen — so we were definitely going to give Mod’s a shot.
We were not let down.

Crepes of Wrath
[Before we go any further, we’ll just quickly clue you in on what a crepe is (in case you don’t know):
A crepe is essentially a thin pancake that is filled with different fillings (and topped with different toppings.) These fillings and toppings are usually selected to make the crepe suit a particular style or meal.
For example, a crepe adorned with whipped cream, strawberries, and chocolate might lend itself to being more of a “dessert crepe”, if you will. Got it?]

As you may have guessed, none of us had really eaten crepes before (as far as any of us could remember), but it wasn’t long before they became a weekly staple of our diets.

While the “Club Crepe” was an instant favorite of mine (with ham, turkey, bacon, mozzarella, and more inside), we occasionally tried other crepes, like the “Pesto Chicken Parmesan”. I love pesto, chicken, and parmesan, so naturally I loved this crepe. To this day, I’m still torn between these two every time I eat at Mod’s.
Stuffed is the right word for how these crepes are filled, because they are definitely stuffed with the ingredients that make each crepe what it is.

Sweet, Sweet Crepes
The “Sweet Crepes” — as the menu refers to them — are the crepes that a person would be more inclined to enjoy for dessert or for a treat. I’ve always gone with the “Nutella Banana” (I’ve literally ordered this every time I’ve ordered a sweet crepe), but acquaintances of mine have mentioned the “Chocolate-Covered Strawberries And Creme Crepe” is the best.

Smooth and Chilly
Now before we get too carried away with crepes (okay — that’s already happened), we would like to draw your attention to the other thing that has kept us coming back to Mod’s:
Gelato — You know… Ice Cream’s creamier, healthier, better-tasting cousin.

Oh yes. Mod’s sells gelato. They actually stock a good variety of it. If you like ice cream or any kind of sweets and you haven’t ever had gelato, you owe this experience to yourself.
Thank me later.
Other Offerings
Of course, Mod’s has more than just crepes and gelato: their coffee and espresso options are nothing to shake a stick at. Their 7am open time on weekdays makes Mod’s an excellent option for the hungry and under-caffeinated. They also sell bottled Mexican Coca Cola (and a slough of other fancy/Italian sodas.)
If you work downtown, you should definitely give them a try soon — their service is fast and the food is great.
If your weekdays don’t find you around downtown Tulsa, Mod’s is open from 10am-10pm on Saturday (and open until 10pm on the other weekdays except for Monday.)
Don’t forget to add them on Facebook for up-to-date (and new) menu items and more!