As we continue through the house, Linda takes us into another uniquely decorated room with antique furniture, pottery, and a cabinet (pictured to the left) made of one of the old organ pipes from the Brady Theatre. We loved it!

We made our way up the most bizarre set of stairs we’d ever seen (which Linda jokingly referred to as “Drunkard Stairs” for obvious reasons) and started checking out the upstairs part of the house.
The room pictured below had a great view looking towards the Arkansas River and Newblock park. With its organic and natural decor, it’s no surprise that Linda loves to relax in this room — she says that the sunsets are unbelievable.

Beneath the rug in this room, Linda shows us a hidden nook where former owners of the Cave House hid money.

Heading deeper into the upstairs part of the house, we enter a bedroom with a strikingly unique bed made of willow sticks. Linda — the creative machine that she is — built this bed by hand.